Privacy policy and cookie policy ex Art 13 of the General Regulation for the protection of Data EU 2016/679 (GDPR)

Cipa s.p.a. constantly commits itself to protect the online privacy of its users.

Source of personal data

In this page are described the general modality of the personal data treatment of the users of the website and of the cookies, referring to any specific sections where the user of the site can find the specific information and any requests for consent (for individual treatments). Cipa s.p.a. engages itself to protect the personal information of the user and this document is intended to help to understand which are the information that we could collect and how we can use them.

A) Treatment Method

This document has been drafted pursuant to art.13 of EU regulation 2016/679 (hereinafter: “Regulation”) in order to allow to you our privacy policy. Are described the general procedures for the processing of personal data of site users and cookies and how your personal information is managed when you use our site (hereinafter “Site”) The information and the data provided by you or otherwise acquired as part of use of Cipa s.p.a.'s services, shall be processed in compliance with the provisions of the regulations and the confidentiality obligations that inspire Cipa s.p.a.'s activities. According to the rules of regulation, the treatment made by Cipa s.p.a. will be based on the principles of lawfulness correctness, transparency, limitation of purposes and storage, data minimization,accuracy,integrity and confidentiality. This information is provided only for this site and not for other websites that may be consulted by the user through links. Please refer to any specific sections of the site where you can find specific information and any requests for consent for individual treatments.

B) Type of data

As follows of the navigation of the website, we inform you that Cipa s.p.a. will treat the personal data (art 4(1) of the regulation) as follows only “Personal Data”. In particular, the personal data through the website are the following:

1. Navigation Data

The information systems and the software procedures used to operate the site acquire, during their normal exercise, some personal data where the transmission is implicit in the usage of protocols of internet communication. They are information that are not collected to be associated with identified data subject, but which by their very nature could, through processing and association with data held by third parties, allow users to be identified. In this category of data are included the IP addresses or the names in the domain of the computers used by the users who connect to the site, the addresses in URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) notation of the requested resources, the time of the request, the method used to submit the request to the server, the size of the file obtained in response, the numerical code indicating the status of the response given by the server (successful,error,etc…) and other parameters regarding the operational system and the user’s computer environment. This data is used for the sole purpose of obtaining anonymous statistical information on the use of the site and to check its correct functioning (see the paragraph on cookies) to identify anomalies and/or abuse, and is deleted immediately after processing. The data could be used by the competent authorities to ascertain responsibility in case of hypothetical computer crimes against the site.

2. Freely given data by the interested

Apart from that specified for navigation data, the user is free to provide personal data contained in any request forms on the website (e.g. to activate newsletters,free registration,purchase,etc.). The failure to provide them could result in the impossibility of providing the service. In these cases, only the information necessary for the service requested will be requested (see specific information in detail). In the usage of some services of the website could verify a treatment of personal data of third parties that you sent to Cipa s.p.a.In respect of this hypothesis, you stand as autonomous owner of the treatment, having all the obligations and the law responsibilities. In this sense, gives on this point the widest indemnity with respect to any dispute, claim, request for compensation for damage caused by processing, etc.. that may reach Cipa s.p.a. from third parties whose Personal Data has been processed through its use of the functions of the Site in violation of the applicable rules on the protection of personal data. In any case, should it provide or otherwise process Personal Data of third parties in the use of the website, guarantees from now on- assuming all related responsibilities – that this particular processing hypothesis is based on a suitable legal basis pursuant to art 6 of the regulation which legitimizes the processing of the information in question.

C) Purpose of the treatment and legal basis

The treatment of the personal data that we want to make, with its specific consent where necessary, has the purpose of allowing the provision of site services. The juridical basis of the treatment is the execution of pre-contractual measures adopted at the request of the same (art.6(1)(b) of the Regulation) as the treatment is necessary to provide the service. The provision of personal data for these purposes is optional but failure to do so would make it impossible to activate the services provided by the site.

D) Recipients of personal data

Your personal data could be shared, for the above purposes, with:
• People authorized byCipa s.p.a. for the treatment of personal data necessary to carry out activities closely related to the provision of the services, who are committed to confidentiality or have an appropriate legal obligation of confidentiality (e.g., employees and system administrators);
• Third subjects possibly site managers who typically act as data processors;
• Subject,entities or authorities where you are obliged to communicate your personal data by virtue of legal provisions or orders of the authorities.

E) Transfer of personal data

Some of your personal data are shared with the recipients that could be found outside the European Economic Area. Cipa s.p.a. ensures that the treatment of your personal data from these recipients is made in compliance with the regulations. The transfer scan be based on a decision of adequacy, on standard contractual clauses approved by the European Commission or other appropriate legal basis.

F) Your privacy rights ex art. 15 and ss.of the Regulation

Pursuant to Articles 15 and following of the regulations, you have the right to request Cipa s.p.a., at any time,access to your personal data, to rectify or cancel them or to oppose their processing, has the right to ask the limitation of the treatment of the cases provided for by art.18 of the regulation, as well as to obtain in a structured format, in common use and readable by automatic device the data concerning it, in the cases provided by art 20 of the regulation. The requests have to be written to the owner at the following address: info@cipaspa.it. In any case you have always the right to submit a complaint to the competent control authority (Guarantor for the protection of personal data), pursuant to art.77 of the regulations, if it considers that the processing of your personal data is contrary to the regulations in force.

G) Modifications

The current privacy policy is in force since 01/04/2020. Cipa s.p.a. has the right to modify or to simply update the content, partly or completely, also due to variations of the applicable regulations. Cipa s.p.a. will inform of these changes as soon as they are introduced and they will be binding as soon as they are published on site. Cipa s.p.a. invites you to visit frequently this section to take cognition of the most recent and updated version of the privacy policy in order to be always updated on the collected data and to the usage that someone makes it.

F) Owner and responsible of the treatment

The owner and responsible of the treatment is Cipa s.p.a., to the senses of art 29 of the D.Lgs 196/2003.


Definition, characteristics and application of the regulations

The cookies are small text files that the websites visited by the user send and register to your computer or mobile device, and then transmitted to the same websites at the next visit. Thanks to the cookies a website can remember the preferences of the user (for example, the login data, the selected language, the dimension of the characters, other display settings, ecc) in order that they don’t have to be indicated again when the user returns to visit this site or navigate from one page to another of it. The cookies are used to make computer authentications, tracking of sessions and storage of information regarding the activities of users accessing a site and may also contain a unique identification code that allows you to keep track of the user’s navigation within the site itself for statistical or advertising purposes. During the navigation of a website, the user can receive on his computer also cookies of websites or different web servers of the one he is visiting (cookie of third parties). Some operations can’t be made without the usage of cookies, that in some cases are therefore technically necessary for the operation of the site itself. It exists various types of cookies, depending on their characteristics and functions, and these may remain on the user’s computer for different periods of time: session cookies, which are automatically deleted when the browser is closed ;persistent cookies, which remain on the user’s equipment until a predetermined deadline. Based to the Italian law, for the usage of the cookies not always it is requested an express consent of the user. In particular, they don’t require such consent technical cookies, i.e. those used for the sole purpose of transmitting a communication over an electronic communication network, or in the strictly necessary to offer a service explicitly requested by the client. It is in other words, essential cookies for the correct functioning of the website and necessary to execute the activities requested by the user. In the technical cookies, that don’t require express consent for their use, the Italian personal data protection authority (see “Provision Identification of simplified procedures for the information and acquisition of consent for the use of cookies of 8 may 2014 and subsequent clarifications, hereinafter only “Provision”) also includes: • The cookies analytics where used directly by the site manager to collect information, in an aggregate form, on the number of users and how these last ones visit the same website; the navigation cookies or of session (to authenticate) • The functional cookies, which make the user to have a navigation in function of a series of selected criteria (for example, the language, the selected products for the purchase) in order to improve the service
For the profiling cookies, i.e. those aimed at creating profiles related to the user and used to send advertising messages in line with the preferences expressed by the user when surfing the web, the user’s prior consent is required.

Types of used cookies

We classified the cookies that we use based to their utilization type in:
• a) Navigation or Section
• b) Functional
• c) Analytics
Third parties Cookies



Are those cookies that allow the normal usage of the website and of the services which are available for example to make a purchase, to authenticate in order to access to the reserved areas or to keep the own personal preferences. This type of cookies can then be distinguished by their persistence on the user’s terminal: those that are automatically deleted at the end of each navigation, these are called “session cookies”. If viceversa these have a longer life, we talk about permanent cookies. These cookies are essential for the correct functioning of the website and the prior consent of users is not required for installation.


We use these cookies to give services or to remember your settings, to improve the visit and navigation experience of our website. For the installation of these cookies it is not required the prior consent of users.


These cookies collect, anonymously, information about how our website is used and it allows to have a better knowledge of the users and to improve the functioning of the website. The cookie analytics are assimilated to technical cookies where they are used directly by the site operator to collect information, in aggregate form, on the number of users and how they visit the site itself: the prior consent of the user is not required for the installation of such cookies.


The “third party” cookies are linked to services given to third parties: these are used for different goals such as the analysis of the marketing campaign and/or to provide personalized advertising on our and partner websites. This activity is called retargeting and is based on the navigation activities. The third party subject gives these services in exchange of information regarding the visit of the user in our website. This also means that third party suppliers of cookies are obliged to comply with the relevant regulations. For this reason, we refer to the link of the web pages of third party websites, where the user can find the cookie consent forms and their related disclosures.


The web beacon are tiny images which are invisible and used in the newsletters. Those image allow to identify the statistical information regarding the usage of the newsletter and are able to improve this service. If we can prevent that that statistical information is collected, it is necessary to set the HTML deactivation in the email system so that the newsletter is read only as text. All the newsletter sent have also a connection that allows to cancel the reception.

Your decisions in matter of cookies

You can select a functionality according to which your computer will warn you whenever a cookie is set or you can choose to disable all cookies. You can select these functionalities through the settings of your browser. Each browser is slightly different; we invite you to identify in the menu “Help” of your browser in a more correct way in order to modify the functionalities regarding the cookies. If you decide to disable the cookies, you will not have access to a lot of functions which make your experience on our website more efficient and some of our services will not work correctly.

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This site uses technical cookies, including from third parties, to improve the services offered and optimize the user experience.
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