Cipa was awarded the contract to carry out the works for the complete adaptation of the tunnels of the A15 highway (Parma – La Spezia) to legislative decree no.264/2006, including the construction and excavation works in the Cucchero, Puntamonte, Corchia and Valico tunnels, as well as the construction of new by-passes. In the specific the works include the excavation activities with relative laying of slotted channel and flame cutter wells, for the collection of possible spills of flammable liquids, the realization of fire-fighting system and SOS niches, excavation activities and installation of dripping water collection system, resurfacing of sidewalks, milling and restoration of the wearing of the road surface and construction ex novo of by-pass. 
Job worksheet
Place: Italy - Pontremoli
Period: November 2020 - June 2021
Client: Euroimpianti S.p.A
SOA categories:
Status advancement work: 40%

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