Rehabilitation of Railway Frontiera – Curtici – Simeria, a component of the IV Pan-European Corridor for the circulation of trains with a maximum speed of 160 km/h
The Batuta railway tunnel is part of the IV Pan-European corridor and constitutes one of the ten communication routes in Central-Eastern Europe, for the connection between various states. It crosses the cities of Dresden, Nuremberg, Prague, Vienna, Bratislava, Győr, Budapest, Arad, Bucharest, Constanţa, Craiova, Sofia, Thessaloniki, Plovdiv, Istanbul.
This tunnel is 603 linear meters long, of which 586 linear meters of natural tunnel, plus 17 linear meters of artificial tunnel (“becco di flauto”), with an excavation diameter of about 20 linear meters with double track, and it is located between Barzava and Ilteu. The excavation is carried out by two entrances, 546 linear meters in full face and 20 linear meters half section on the Simeria entrance side, 20 linear meters half section on the Curtici entrance side.
Given the length of the tunnel, the standards only provide for technological or life-saving niches. The excavation method used varies according to the geology crossed - Basaltic type materials for 20% of the route and fissured schists for the remaining 80%. The first section of about 103 linear meters was excavated with explosives, using a Jumbo which carried out the necessary perforations for the drilling and blasting and the subsequent radial bolts. The progress of the excavation of the remaining section was excavated by an excavator, placing a longitudinal consolidation by a positioner.
The excavation in the first 180 m is full face, while later it will be carried out in half section due to the nature of the soil and the low coverings. The primary lining in the first section was performed by pre-shotcrete along the tunnel contour, the execution of radial swellex with double mesh and shotcrete as well as self-drilling bolts. In the following section it was performed with fields of consolidation with micropiles ø 88.9 L 15 linear meters and fiberglass at the excavation face 60/40 L 15 m with ribs with variable radius and overlapping of the consolidations of 5 m.
Waterproofing is carried out by the installation of geotextile and PVC. The assembled formwork is equipped with self-reaction and powered, for the casting, by wheeled pump. The fall of the diaphragm is scheduled for January 2023.
Job worksheet
Place: Romania - Bârzava
Period: January 2020 - March 2023
Client: CFR SA
Value: 9.000.000 EUR
Status advancement work: 95%